
What is zkPass and what makes it stand out

What is zkPass

zkPass is an oracle protocol that enables private internet data to be verifiable on-chain. Built on top of zkTLS, composed of 3P-TLS and Hybrid ZK technologies, zkPass provides tools and applications for secure, verifiable data sharing with privacy and integrity assurances from any HTTPS website without requiring OAuth APIs.

zkPass allows users to selectively prove various types of data, such as legal identity, financial records, healthcare information, social interactions, gaming data, real-world assets, work experience, education, and skill certifications. These zero-knowledge proof computations are performed locally and securely, ensuring that sensitive personal data is not leaked or uploaded to third parties. They can be used for AI, DePIN, DID, lending, and other financial and non-financial applications.

Why zkPass

Here are some key reasons to choose zkPass:

1. Privacy-preserving

Prove your private data without uploading any personal privacy details.

2. Verifiable

Re-designed the standard TLS protocol into a three-party TLS to ensure provenance of private data.

3. Compatible

Seamless compatible with any HTTPS websites, no API or license required.

4. Verifiability

The zkPass protocol guarantees private data's verifiability, authenticity, and validity by utilizing decentralized MPC nodes that verify a user's data integrity before generating a zero-knowledge proof (ZKP). As a result, it becomes impossible for anyone to manipulate or tamper with the data while generating zkSBT.

5. Anti-Cheating

zkPass's anti-cheating mechanism ensures data integrity and authenticity by using zero-knowledge proofs to verify that client requests and server responses match predefined templates and conditions without accessing or storing private data.

6. Memory-efficiency

VOLE-based IZK that realizes millisecond-level ZKP generation locally in the browser environment.

Public Data

Public Data is the type of information that anyone can access, almost like an open book. It's typically maintained and shared by government bodies and might include items like census statistics, weather data, legal documents, court records, and public school statistics. It's the kind of data that researchers, journalists, policymakers, and even businesses turn to when they need factual information.

The key here is that public data is generally stripped of any personal identifiers – it's been scrubbed clean to prevent any links back to specific individuals. Take census data, for example. It gives a bird's eye view of population trends, but you can't pick out a person's information. The whole point of public data is to shine a light on things, promoting openness and accountability, especially in government workings.

Private Data

This is the flip side of the coin. Private data is like the secret diary of personal information – it's only for specific eyes. We're talking about the kind of data that can identify you or expose personal aspects of your life – things like your social security number, banking details, health records, or anything else that's unique to you.

But it's not just about individuals. Private data can also refer to hush-hush business information like trade secrets, customer databases, and strategic plans. This kind of data is often safeguarded by laws and regulations – if you try to sneak a peek without permission, you could find yourself in legal hot water. The goal with private data is all about keeping things under wraps to protect personal privacy and the secret sauce that gives businesses their competitive edge.

So there you have it – public data and private data, two key players in the information game. Public data helps drive informed decisions, promotes transparency, and fuels research. Private data, when handled respectfully and legally, can deliver tailored services and secure personal privacy. Understanding the difference between these two is essential in the age of information we live in.

Private Data Types

Private data, also known as personally identifiable information (PII), encompasses a broad spectrum of data elements that uniquely pertain to individual persons and are customarily limited to specifically authorized viewers. This confidential information covers a diverse array of categories that include, but are not limited to:

  1. Legal Identity: Data elements such as an individual's full name, social security number, passport number, and driver's license number fall under this category. These distinct pieces of information can definitively identify an individual and are typically safeguarded stringently to thwart identity theft or other forms of fraudulent misconduct.

  2. Financial Records: This category encapsulates data related to an individual's comprehensive financial landscape and trajectory, including bank account numbers, credit scores, and transaction history. The safeguarding of the confidentiality of such data is of paramount importance in mitigating the risk of financial fraud and in upholding personal financial security.

  3. Healthcare Information: This refers to an individual's health data comprising medical history, diagnoses, medical records, and genetic data. The deeply personal and sensitive nature of such information necessitates its protection under strict healthcare data privacy regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States.

  4. Social Interactions: Data generated through social media platforms and other digital communication applications fall into this category. This data, which can reveal an individual's relationships, preferences, and lifestyle patterns, requires prudent management to maintain personal privacy and prevent unauthorized usage.

  5. Professional Trajectory: This category pertains to information relating to an individual's career journey, encompassing data about past and present job roles, job performance, and other professionally pertinent achievements. It is incumbent upon individuals and organizations alike to preserve the privacy of this data to deter misuse and uphold professional integrity.

  6. Educational Achievements and Skill Certifications: This encompasses records of educational milestones, degrees earned, diplomas, and certified skills or qualifications. While this data is often disclosed for professional advancement, it remains the individual's prerogative to manage access to this information to prevent potential misuse.

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