
Only supports SDK version 0.2.0 and above.

How to generate the proof with Solana?

const generate = async (schemaId: string, appid: string) => {
    try {
      //check if you install the Phatom wallet
      if (!("phantom" in window)) {
        return alert("Please install Phantom wallet")
      const provider = window.phantom?.solana
      const  = await provider?.connect() //connect wallet
      const account = resp.publicKey.toString()

      //The appid of the project created in dev center     
      const appid = "39a00e9e-7e6d-461e-9b9d-d520b355d1c0"
      //The schemaId of the project
      const schemaId = "c7eab8b7d7e44b05b41b613fe548edf5"
      const connector = new TransgateConnect(appid)
      const isAvailable = await connector.isTransgateAvailable()
      if (!isAvailable) {
        return alert("Please install zkPass TransGate")
      const res = (await connector.launchWithSolana(schemaId, account)) as Result

    } catch (err) {
      console.log("error", err)

The result includes two signatures: the allocator signature and the validator signature. Developers should verify both signatures based on the other returned fields.

Verify Allocator Signature

Encode the allocator message struct

import { Buffer } from "buffer"
import secp256k1 from "secp256k1"
import * as borsh from "borsh"
import sha3 from 'js-sha3'

//Attest struct for Solana
const SolanaTask = {
  struct: {
    task: 'string',
    schema: 'string',
    notary: 'string',

const { taskId, allocatorSignature, validatorAddress } = res //return by Transgate

const sig_bytes = hexToBytes(allocatorSignature.slice(2));

const signatureBytes = sig_bytes.slice(0, 64);
const recoverId = Array.from(sig_bytes.slice(64))[0];

const plaintext = borsh.serialize(SolanaTask, {
    task: taskId,
    schema: schema,
    notary: validatorAddress,

const plaintextHash = Buffer.from(sha3.keccak_256.digest(Buffer.from(plaintext)));

Recover the allocator address

const signedAllocatorAddress = secp256k1.ecdsaRecover(signatureBytes, recoverId, plaintextHash, false);

Check if the signed allocator address is registered. The current allocator address is fixed.

return signedAllocatorAddress === "69e7d686e612ab57e3619f4a19a567b3b212a5b35ba0e3b600fbed5c2ee9083d"

Verify Validator Signature

Generate the validator message

import { Buffer } from "buffer"
import secp256k1 from "secp256k1"
import * as borsh from "borsh"
import sha3 from "js-sha3"

//Attest struct for Solana
const Attest = {
  struct: {
    task: "string",
    schema: "string",
    nullifier: "string",
    recipient: "string",
    publicFieldsHash: "string",

const { taskId, uHash, validatorAddress, schema, validatorSignature, recipient, publicFieldsHash } = res //return by Transgate
const sig_bytes = hexToBytes(validatorSignature.slice(2)) //skip the 0x

const signatureBytes = sig_bytes.slice(0, 64)
const recoverId = Array.from(sig_bytes.slice(64))[0]

const plaintext = borsh.serialize(Attest, {
  task: taskId,
  nullifier: uHash,

const plaintextHash = Buffer.from(sha3.keccak_256.digest(Buffer.from(plaintext)))

Recover the validator address

 const signedValidatorAddress = secp256k1.ecdsaRecover(signatureBytes, recoverId, plaintextHash, false);

Verify if the signed validator address matches the address assigned by the allocator

return signedValidatorAddress === validatorAddress

Here, we've only given the reference code for js verification. However, the result can also be verified on Solana.

Last updated

Feel free to contact us if you have any ideas